How can we use our limited resources to have the greatest positive impact?

Effective altruism is an approach that combines empathy and reflection:  it involves identifying the means of acting that have the most positive impact and putting them into practice, based on a rational approach and empirical data.

The effective altruism community asks questions such as: How do we prioritise the world's problems? Which solutions are the most promising? Which careers are the most useful? Where to give your money to maximise your impact?

What is Effective Altruism?

An area of ​​research

Research teams around the world use the tools of effective altruism to identify important themes and make concrete progress. The topics covered are varied, and include extreme poverty, the reduction of animal suffering, the risks linked to artificial intelligence, and even biosecurity.

An international community

The movement counts tens of thousands of researchers, entrepreneurs, students and professionals, who help each other and exchange on forums and discussion groups, participate in events, collaborate on projects and create organisations.

Focus your career on a high-impact cause

A career represents approximately 80,000 hours of work and can be both very beneficial and fulfilling if chosen well. So take the time to think about it!

Give effectively

Our donations can be much more useful than we think: some organisations have an impact more than 100 times greater than others.

Join the community

Come to local or online events, participate in discussion spaces, launch or join a project, etc.

Introductory Fellowship

A 6-week fellowship which will allow you to explore the main ideas of effective altruism and debate in a small group, guided by an experienced facilitator.

About us

We are a group of engaged Effective Altruists looking to make a change in South Africa. We come from a variety of backgrounds - we’re students, researchers, professionals, technologists.

What we have in common: We want to do the most good with our limited resources.

Join our mailing list below to stay in touch!

Effective altruism in the media

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  • Yes! We welcome Effective Altruists and any curious about how to do good better from around the world.

  • We hope so, and as soon as we have confirmed any programs, we will inform our mailing list! Sign up above to be notified.

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